How to install Traefik with Docker Compose

What is Traefik? Traefik is a router that allows you to publish services on the internet ina fast and easy way. It receives requests and determines which services should respond to them. There are another similar tools that also act as a reverse proxy, such as haproxy. In addition to acting as a reverse proxy, it also has utilities that will make our lives easier regarding the management, acquisition and renewal of SSL certificates, since it does so automatically. In this example we will use LetsEncrypt as the certificate provider,…

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How to install Portainer using Docker Compose

What is Portainer? Portainer is a tool that simplifies the management and maintenance of Docker’s containers. It helps you to speed up deployments, simplifies migrations and allows monitoring and solving problems in a fast and intuitive way. It is controlled through a web interface and looks similar to the following: Previous Requisites Docker installed following the steps described in How to install Docker in Ubuntu 20.04. Docker Compose installed following the steps described in How to install Docker Compose in Ubuntu 20.04. Installing Portainer To install Portainer in our system, we will…

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How to install Docker Compose in Ubuntu 20.04

What is Docker Compose? Docker Compose is a tool that lets you define and execute multi-container Docker applications. With Docker Compose you will use YAML files to configure application’s services and, once they are defined, with only one command we can create and execute all the services as described in configuration. Previous Requisites In order to carry out the actions described in this article we will need to have: A server running the system Ubuntu 20.04. Docker installed following the steps described in How to install Docker in Ubuntu 20.04.…

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